Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs Every day we see signs directing us, telling us what not to do and cautioning us as we proceed. Signs meant to guide and protect us on our journey through life. When seeking insight regarding our life's journey, we must be careful to separate the signs placed to guide us and those we create through self-will. Lost? Here's the context. Recall from last year's letter that Anita's organization Clermont Pets Alive! (CPA) was awarded a contract by the Clermont County Board of Commissioners as their third party agent to rescue dogs (and later cats) from euthanasia at our local animal shelter for 2013 and 2014. Also recall, the Commissioners "promised" to bid out the shelter contract for 2014 vs. give it to the organization that's held it for the past 50+ years. January 2014 came and went, without a Request for Proposal (RFP). In March the Commissioners extended the legacy organization's 2013 contract through the end of 2014. Rick remained in contact with the County Administrator, always confident a RFP would be issued, just never sure when, for what period or scope. Signs of the Times It feels like there are similarities between government and many high school students, waiting until the VERY last minute to complete their homework. That's EXACTLY what happened with the RFP. The Commissioners released the details of the RFP the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, with a due date for the following Friday at noon (only 8 full days if you count the holiday). In addition, the RFP required a proposal for both animal sheltering and animal control, contrary to their promise to separate them. Rick had been preparing CPA's response for almost a month (guessing at the required details), but none the less the Commissioner's deadline made for a very uncelebratory Thanksgiving. Five bound notebooks of 71 pages were submitted six (yes, 6) minutes before the deadline! We later discovered the County received three proposals - ours, the organization running the shelter and a 3rd organization led by someone who left our group to "protect the County from Anita". The 3rd organization had done nothing within the Community since forming and we saw little hope of their success. Since Anita started Clermont Pets Alive! in the spring of 2012, she and her dedicated volunteers have rescued over 1,300 animals, saving the lives of over 300 cats and 200 dogs from euthanasia with only 24 hours notice at the shelter. She has over 900 registered volunteers, holds 13 off-site adoption events EVERY weekend and has over 3,600 supporters on facebook. It was hard not to believe in her chances for success. Clear Signs (So We Thought) The signs we received since Rick's project ended in October (more later on his "retirement") made it even more difficult to believe CPA's proposal would not be accepted by the County. Rick originally planned to list them for you, but decided the details are irrelevant. It's safe to say EVERYTHING we asked for/needed to present a rock-solid case to the Commissioners was made available. Everything from professional PR and fundraising support, to volunteers with the financial and leadership experience to guarantee success (or so we thought). I'm sure you've guessed by now that Anita's proposal was not selected by the Commissioners Selection Committee. The 3rd organization was granted the contract, with CPA placing LAST in the selection process. We were shocked, upset, hurt and finally relieved with the County's selection. Anita started Clermont Pets Alive! to save more animals, when the Board President for the organization running the shelter at the time stated they would rather "humanely euthanize the animals rather than make them available to rescues that may be hoarders". When Rick entered the Commissioner's office in September 2012 to affect change politically, taking over the shelter was a last resort. Clear the Way What's next for Clermont Pets Alive!?
Our experience demonstrates first-hand that energetic, focused people with a burning desire for success attract others to support and assist them. It also demonstrated that sometimes God does for us what we can't do for ourselves. We trust his plan and know our time, talents and energy are needed elsewhere. We hope you'll be able to share the journey with us. Signs of the Time Busy, busy and busier! The increasing pace of our lives relieved us of the very thing we cherish the most - our time together! Anita's commitment to Clermont Pets Alive! and the nature of Rick's work (consulting) kept Anita home, but allowed Rick to utilize technology to work from the road. Rick enjoyed Spring Break in Orlando with Mia and Anna, a visit to Cleveland to celebrate Tom Robertson's 50th birthday (Rick's Fraternity Little Brother and college roommate) and a trip to Washington, DC with Corey, Jasmine and Avery Minion (Corey is also a Fraternity Brother). Mom joined all but Tina and Andrew (he was in Costa Rica for a school trip) in Sevierville, TN for a Smokey Barron Reunion and all the kids (except Andrew) enjoyed another Pizza Party at the Guidry's. Rick continues his participation in TV Toastmasters, placing 2nd in the District's Evaluation Content (his highest achievement to date) and now co-hosts a monthly leadership show on public access television titled Tips from the Top. Rick and his guest interview area business, non-profit and military/government leaders asking them to share their experience and insight to those interested in improving their leadership skills. Without exception, guests reinforce the importance of the soft skills, skills each of us are capable of mastering to improve our ability to guide others. The years keep compressing in duration. Rick's granddaughter Mia is 18, Kevin's oldest son Andrew is DRIVING, Grace, Will, A.J. and Anna are growing up right behind them and it's been over 3 years since Dad passed. Both Kevin and Rick found themselves seeking "new opportunities" in 2014. Rick's project at P&G was cancelled abruptly due to budget cuts and Kevin lost his job due to corporate restructuring. Both are close to landing new positions and thankful for the opportunity to re-enter the workforce. There's nothing like the fear of economic insecurity to increase your gratitude and humility. With everything we've placed on our plates it's been difficult to keep the family web site current. You can bookmark the What's New page to check for updates throughout the year. We're still at 4 kitties, with the addition of one and a new home for another. Misty was a long-term foster who was not doing well in a multi-cat home. Anita found her a quiet home as an only kitty. Wyndham is the kitty Anita rescued during our 2013 family vacation at Lake Marion, SC. The microchip she had implanted allowed her to bring him to Cincinnati after a cat friendly traveler found him in South Carolina and took him home to New Jersey. Wolly is 20 and still healthy, Simba is the sweetest cat on Earth but continues to mark to get attention and Diva is finally realizing that she doesn't have to bite when she's over stimulated. Sign of Love It's difficult to express in words the magnitude of the blessings we've received throughout the year. We count you among those blessings and look forward to sharing time with you in 2015. Our lives are VERY full, but never too full to be reminded that it's WHO we spend our lives with that counts. May you be blessed with health, happiness, peace of mind and a sense of love and well-being in 2015. Please stay in touch via email, facebook, telephone and snail mail (we're in the book). With All Our Love,
E-Mail Us @ P.S. The new browsers do not display the photo slideshows created before 2014 correctly. If you know someone that would be interested in volunteering their time to learn web programming please send me an email with their contact information. |
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